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They are even more powerful than they are obedient. The immense strength of my squid giants is only vulnerable to the specially trained and enhanced Allied attack dolphins.
- Yuri

The giant squad is a Soviet anti-ship submerged unit in Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 and Yuri's Revenge.


Commander, I'd thought I have seen everything, but this takes the cake. You guessed it - mind-controlled squid. Intelligence informs that effective countermeasures involves specially trained dolphins which are now at your disposal. What's next - killer whales? Good luck, Commander.
- Eva Lee

Captured and trained by Soviet scientists, giant squids are capable of grasping enemy ships and crushing them with their powerful tentacles. Since they are usually submerged, they do not appear on radar.[1]

They were used as a line of defense for Cuba to prevent the Allies from reaching their Nuclear Missile Silos there, but failed to stop them. They also were used in an attempt to prevent the American Allied forces from landing in Europe to help the European Allied forces fight in Eastern Europe.

During the Psychic Dominator Disaster, the Soviets utillized a few of these units in a very unique tactic. They deployed the squid ahead of Typhoon Attack Submarines to pinpoint any Boomers and "lure" the Boomer's torpedos from the Typhoon (or any ship being covered). A direct hit from a Boomer can still be tolerated by the squid, provided that they keep maneuvering to dodge the torpedo barrage.

Game unit[]

The best known and most effective counter was the Allied dolphin who were trained for the sole purpose of taking out giant squids. The dolphin's sonic pulse would cause the squid so much pain that it would release ships and try to attack the dolphin, but it would die from only a few sonic pulses so it rarely could reach the dolphin in time.

Yuri's Boomer submarines could not be grabbed by squids, and are instead punched.

AI behavior[]

Giant Squids controlled by the AI have the following attack patterns:


  • 1x targeting production structures, accompanied by 1 Dreadnought and 2 Sea Scorpions



  • A robot tank entangled by a giant squid may still move. When the robot tank moves inland, the giant squid follows. And upon destruction of its prey, the giant squid will be left stuck in the land region, unable to move.
  • Relatedly, when attacking robot tanks, giant squids use the leftover original tentacle animation that is left in the Tiberian Sun palette.
  • Elite giant squids pursue air units, but they can not hit any air units.


  • Though the giant squids are mind controlled, the Soviets can still train them after Yuri's defection.
  • When attacking, the squid essentially "becomes the bullet" until it reaches and kills the target. During this phase, the squid is immune to even a Nuke blast and its radiation.



English French German Korean Chinese
RA2 Giant Squid Icons CNCRA2 Giant Squid French Cameo CNCRA2 Giant Squid German Cameo CNCRA2 Giant Squid Korean Cameo CNCRA2 Giant Squid Chinese Cameo

Pre-release cameos, in order: alpha, beta.
CNCRA2 Giant Squid Alpha Cameo CNCRA2 Giant Squid Beta Cameo

See also[]


  1. Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2: Instruction Manual. Bingo, Cheng. Las Vegas, Nevada: Westwood Pacific, 2000.
We will bury them! Soviet Third World War Arsenal Death to capitalists!